Lauren Hannaford Workout Routine and Diet Plan

The name Lauren Hannaford reminds most people of ‘Dorothy the dinosaur’ from The Wiggles who either entertained them as kids or entertained the kids at their homes. Now, Lauren has become more than Dorothy the dinosaur as she is the owner of a fitness empire and a very fit woman who knows what workout routine and diet plan are the best for her. Here, you can have a look at her workout routine and diet secrets and know about FHIT, her workout method that’s getting a lot of attention.

Lauren Hannaford in a post-workout selfie in December 2018 (Lauren Hannaford / Instagram)

Workout Regime December 2018

She likes to do either FHIT workouts at home, train outside or hit the gym. She also likes to get some fresh air by walking outside every day. She trains for 4 to 5 times a week and the training sessions include cardio and weight training exercises which last for 30-45 minutes. Sometimes, she hops on a treadmill or goes for an outdoor run for 6 kilometers. Running is crucial for her because it’s good for her brain. When she is running, she organizes things in her mind and brainstorms often.

Career as a Coach

Before being cast as Dorothy, Lauren had been a gymnastics coach for years. She even mixed gymnastics with workouts. It was at that time that she was approached for The Wiggles.

Lauren Hannaford in a mirror selfie with Simon Pryce after in December 2018 (Lauren Hannaford / Instagram)

Staying Fit During a Busy Schedule

When she was involved with The Wiggles, she used to travel a lot and wear heavy costumes. To stay fit in those days, she created workouts that she could do anywhere be it a hotel room, carpark of a venue or even backstage at a theatre.


FHIT is a brainchild of Hannaford that was launched in 2018 and has attracted many members. The workouts included in the program last from 5 minutes to 45 minutes and can be done at any time and anywhere. One doesn’t need any equipment to do these workouts and the workout sessions are very interactive. They are usually focused on full body weight exercises which pay more attention to the functional movements.

Diet Plan


The first thing she does after waking up is to have a few glasses of water. Then, she has an espresso and trains for a while.


She usually has different breakfasts for different days of the week. Sometimes, she just eats bananas, the other few times, it’s just a few fruits, and sometimes, she has a protein shake. If she feels really hungry, she opts for poached eggs with avocado.

A healthy meal (Lauren Hannaford / Instagram)


Her lunch usually consists of a green salad with a protein source like tuna or chicken. When she is short on time, she has a few rice paper rolls.

Afternoon Snack

If she feels hungry post lunch, she likes to have a protein bar or a piece of fruit.


During dinner, she likes to have a plate of vegetables with some red meat, chicken or salmon.


The dessert is usually a few pieces of dark chocolate followed by an apple.

Advice for Fans

Sharing advice for fans who want to stay fit, Lauren has said that you should make sure that you are clear about your goals and are organized enough to be able to achieve them. You should remember that you need to take things one step at a time and that there are no quick fixes to achieve the goals that you have set. Avoid extreme training or diet because you won’t be able to maintain it for long. Stick to only those exercises and diet that you can sustain for long. Also, make sure that you maintain a balance between exercise and healthy eating if you want to stay fit for long. For instance, if you are out for dinner and you want to indulge in a glass of wine, you should ensure that you have a healthy meal and skip dessert.

Lauren Hannaford in a mirror selfie in November 2018 (Lauren Hannaford / Instagram)

Toning Up

If you want to tone up, you should make sure that you do bodyweight resistance training. When you get your body moving through a full range of motion, it will strengthen your muscles and help with tone, length, and mobility. When hoping to tone up, you should also give up sugar or have it very rarely.

Featured Image by Lauren Hannaford / Instagram
