Remember Angela Williams from 'For Better or Worse'? She has a famous identical twin sister

Actress Tasha Smith has an identical sister with a radical hair cut

Tasha Smith, 47, shares a lot more with her twin sister than just her birthdate. The two women are identical twins, which means they have identical DNA, A photo posted by Smith on Instagram shows her and her sister looking like two tiny peas in a pod.

Smith's sister is called Sidra, but though they have the same lovely face the women do not share the same yen for the limelight.

While Smith loves being in front of the camera, Sidra prefers working behind the scenes. She works in Hollywood as a producer, while her more famous sister is an actress.

The ladies are identical, but it's easy to tell them apart since Sidra wears her hair shaved, and Smith sports flowing locks.

That didn't stop the two from playing a typical twin prank on director Tyler Perry on the set of For Better or Worse. Smith had a scene, but Sidra put on a wig and stepped on to the set as Angela.

Sidra was terrible, much to Perry's dismay who couldn' understand what had happened to his talented actress. He kept calling "Cut, cut!" and asking Sidra to start again until finally, the sisters took pity on him. Smith stepped out from her hiding place and revealed the switch much to Perry's relief.

Though they have very different hairstyles, personalities, talents, and ambitions, the sisters share an unbreakable bond and are each other's best friends.
