Can the Hulk beat Galactus? #1 Official Stars, Business & People Network, Wiki,

This towering, godlike being survived the destruction of the previous universe and became a primordial force in the current one. Oddly enough, Hulk might actually be able to hit Galactus hard enough that he notices that he’s been hit.

In this manner, Has Hulk ever lifted Mjolnir?

The simple answer is no. Yes, Hulk absolutely smashes Thor to the ground with Mjolnir, but, he’s holding both Thor and the hammer. Hulk wouldn’t have been able to lift Mjolnir by himself, but since the God of Thunder had a firm grip on it as well, he was able to use it as a weapon against his teammate.

Keeping this in view, Who can defeat Galactus?

Here are the top 10 contenders who can beat the world eater, Galactus, single-handedly!

  • Mr. Fantastic. …
  • Silver Surfer. Another one among characters who defeated Galactus is Silver Surfer. …
  • Abraxas. …
  • Amastu-Mikaboshi. …
  • Doctor Strange. …
  • Iron Man. …
  • Franklin Richards. …
  • Thanos.

Furthermore, Who’s stronger Galactus or Hulk?

In Marvel’s far future, the Hulk’s final form is more powerful than Galactus, ultimately SMASHing all of reality as the Breaker of Worlds. … Originally a surly behemoth, the Hulk has become the physical embodiment of the destructive power of rage.

What is Hulk’s strongest form?

Marvel: 10 Most Powerful Versions Of The Hulk

  • 1 World Breaker Hulk. The World Breaker Hulk is arguably the most powerful because he did exactly what his name says.
  • 2 The Immortal Hulk. …
  • 3 Kluh. …
  • 4 Red Hulk. …
  • 5 Green Scar. …
  • 6 Maestro. …
  • 7 The Professor. …
  • 8 She-Hulk. …
  • Secondly, Can Deadpool lift Mjolnir?

    Deadpool once lifted Thor’s hammer and was surprisingly revealed to be worthy of Mjolnir – but not everything was as it appeared to be. Lifting Thor’s hammer Mjolnir is a big deal in the Marvel universe, as it proves who really is worthy. … Loki assigns Deadpool to make Thor lose his hammer.

    Can Superman lift Thor hammer?

    So, there you have it: yes, Superman is capable of wielding Mjolnir, although he was only seen to have done so on an emergency basis — and, in fact, it appears that Wonder Woman is more unconditionally worthy of the weapon than he.

    Can Batman lift Mjolnir?

    At his best moments, Batman can probably lift Mjolnir, but on his darkest nights he probably couldn’t move it an inch.

    Can Goku defeat Galactus?

    With the Power Cosmic, Galactus has telepathy, telekinesis, energy projection, teleportation, and more. At the height of his powers, Galactus can even transmute matter, meaning he can literally manipulate reality. … So while Galactus would get weaker as the fight went on, Goku would get stronger, giving him the edge.

    Can Superman defeat Galactus?

    If we would compare Galactus with Superman, it’s unfair, as Galactus is a whole universe before the big bang theory, and he wields power cosmic, which Superman can’t withstand. Moreover, Galactus gave the Silver Surfer his skills, with just a little bit of power cosmic, which is enough to beat Superman for good.

    Can darkseid Beat Galactus?

    Darkseid’s forces will throw themselves at Galactus to little avail- he’s just way too powerful. … None of that will stop Galactus though and Darkseid will deploy his greatest power, the Omega Beams. As powerful as Galactus is, Darkseid is a god and his Omega Beams will mean the end of the Devourer of Worlds.

    Can Goku beat Hulk?

    Bruce Banner was a pretty strong hero when turned angry, but the Hulk is so much more than a monster who can punch really hard. … On a regular basis, he might not be able to beat Goku, but when his rage turns him into Worldbreaker Hulk, things might turn his way.

    Who is stronger dormammu or Galactus?

    The reputation of Galactus’ power level proceeds him, but it’s a power that must be constantly fed by devouring entire planets. … Galactus would easily defeat Dormammu outside the Dark Dimension, but it turns out that even on Dormammu’s turf, he retains his power and has the means to grow even stronger.

    Has Hulk ever killed Thor?

    Marvel’s Immortal Hulk just took on the entire Avengers team and nearly killed Thor with one of his most disgusting attacks ever. Warning! … In a new battle against the Avengers, Hulk nearly killed one of his former allies, as he almost suffocated Thor with one of his most disgusting attacks to date.

    Who can beat Superman?

    Superman: 15 DC Characters Who Can Defeat The Man Of Steel Without Kryptonite

    • 11 Wonder Woman Is A Better Fighter.
    • 12 The Flash Has The Speed Force On His Side. …
    • 13 Rogol Zaar Has The Power Of Revenge Inside. …
    • 14 Superboy-Prime Does It Through Sheer Rage. …
    • 15 Batman Does It Through His Intelligence & Personal Knowledge. …

    Who is the strongest Ghost Rider?

    1 Cosmic Ghost Rider

    In an alternate future, Frank Castle, better known as the Punisher, escaped hell possessed by the spirit of the Ghost Rider. Shortly thereafter, Castle became the herald of Galactus and was imbued with the power cosmic. This made him the most powerful Ghost Rider of all time.

    Who is the weakest avenger?

    The MCU Heroes Ranked from Weakest to Strongest

    • We take a look at 24 heroes across the Marvel Cinematic Universe and determine who the strongest of all the MCU heroes are. …
    • Hawkeye is considered by many the weakest MCU hero, even though he is skilled he just seems like a regular guy with a bow and arrow.

    Can Thor beat Deadpool?

    While Thor’s powers regressed a little bit in Avengers: Infinity War, he’s still immensely powerful. He is somewhat the same in the comics, so if Deadpool ever faced Thor, the god of thunder would have the winning edge.

    Who have lifted Thor’s hammer?

    Other than Thor and Odin, certain other individuals have proven capable of lifting Mjolnir in the primary continuity:

    • Roger “Red” Norvell (Actually a deliberate ruse by Odin)
    • Beta Ray Bill.
    • Captain America.
    • Eric Masterson.
    • Bor (Thor’s grandfather)
    • Buri (also known as Tiwaz, Thor’s great-grandfather)
    • Loki.
    • Jane Foster.

    Is Superman stronger than Thanos?

    Superman didn’t need to wear an Infinity Gauntlet to show he could move planets as Thanos did in Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War. Moving planets is no problem for Superman. …

    Can Superman beat Omni man?

    Based on raw strength, Superman probably has Omni-Man beat. Omni-Man punched holes through pretty much every foe he came into contact with. … But Omni-Man has no such qualms. He would try to kill Superman outright, but he would probably just break his fists against the invulnerable Superman.

    Can Thor beat Superman?

    Thor would be the winner,he has the ability to defeat superman ,apart from this he is the god of thunder, inspit of lossing everything including his eye still he is the strongest avenger than others. … However, Thor, one of Marvel’s strongest Avengers, might just be powerful enough to take on Superman.

    Can Goku lift Mjolnir?

    Originally cast by Odin, but maturing over time and influenced by the Mother Storm within Thor’s weapon, Marvel Comics has never fully committed to exactly what being “worthy” means – so how can anyone be sure Goku qualifies? …

    Which is stronger Mjolnir or Stormbreaker?

    Although Stormbreaker and Mjolnir have very similar properties and powers, Stormbreaker is the most powerful weapon out of the two for Thor to wield. The obvious reasons are that Stormbreaker is the physically larger weapon out of the two, and not to mention that it is an axe, which is more dangerous than a hammer.

    Last Updated: 14 days ago – Authors : 11 – Contributors : 21 – References : 30 interviews and posts; 10 Videos.

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